I dropped my Meiji Jingu the other day. For those of you that don't know what or where that is, please close this page and kindly never visit my site again.
It really is a nice place to take a stroll about. I used to have a job that involved strolling about taking pictures for a news letter once a month. It only used to take about 2 hours to take all my pictures, but you would be amazed at how long things can be stretched out if the weather is nice outside.
I am sure nobody ever bothered reading my newsletter, but every month I dutifully created it. It was a pointless exercise, but it did allow me the opportunity to leave the office once a month and walk about some of the coolest areas of Tokyo. I did learn a lot about the best parts of the city, even if nobody did bother to read my news letter.
Every no and again, I would stop by Meiji Jingu to eat my bento. It was always very tranquil. I always used to sit down on one of these stools to eat my bento.
Which brings me to my question. Can you guess which one just by looking at the photo? I can bet frequent readers will have no problem.
That's right, it was this one.
Once I had finished, I always used to do a lap of the grounds, never neglecting to stop by the pond to look at the nice ducks. They were always there waiting for me, and always nice to look at. Much better than being at work.
There is also a massive grass lawn near the pond, that is one of the best kept secrets in Tokyo.
To find it, just look for the flagpole. It looks like this.