I have been there many times but this time around I noticed something about the walking tracks that flow through the park’s wonderful Japanese gardens and reflection pond.
I am a touch embarrassed to say I missed this in the past but the walking tracks feature the impression of fallen leaves and foliage pressed into the concrete base.
Given the level of detail shown in concrete I would guess that the impressions were left using molds or prefabricated blocks, rather than actual leaves pressed into the concrete.
Most of the leave impressions were also encircled by a ring of newer concrete, which probably means they were done after the paths were initially concreted in early 2007.
I sure hope it has been done fairly recently because I usually notice features like this, and would have been embarrassed to have missed it in the past.
I would be surprised if this was an original idea, but nonetheless, it is the first time I have seen it done.
Very effective, and supposedly very inexpensive as well. I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of this in the future.